No swearing / profanity

mormon-educationThe way you speak says a lot about yourself, and Mormons believe that foul language harms your spirit and degrades you, as well as those around you. Vulgar language is offensive to God, and can prevent His spirit from being with you. Most importantly, we believe that the names of God and Jesus Christ should always be used with reverence and respect. Using their names in vain or misusing them in any way is a sin.

We are encouraged to always use uplifting and encouraging language that compliments others rather than puts them down, even in a sarcastic or joking manner. Christ told us that to love one another was the greatest commandment, second only to loving God.  Talking behind others’ backs, gossiping, or speaking negatively is breaking this commandment.

If you happen to be around a Mormon, I’m sure he or she would appreciate keeping the conversation positive by holding back offensive language, especially using the Lord’s name in vain.

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